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Adrienne Feller - Founder

"There have always been ladies of Hungarian origin among the great women of the beauty industry; Helene Rubinstein, Estee Lauder, Judit Muller, and now there is Adrienne, and her Adrienne Feller brand."
(Nesze!szer blog)

My mission predates my birth, as my story dates all the way back to the 1800s, when my physician great-great-grandfather was given the first name of Physician as a royal and imperial honor for inventing a vaccine. His daughter, my great-grandmother, was a famous herbalist who used herbs for beauty as well as healing. From a very young age, my grandfather, in keeping with the family tradition, pressed vegetable oils, the speciality of which is still the stuff of legend. I treasure all the legacies of our family's craft, and although most of my great-grandmother's herbal book has been destroyed, I have inherited a few secret recipes for beauty. I created the Pannonessence formula, an essential ingredient in Adrienne Feller products, based on these.

I had no idea what I would choose as a profession, but even as a child I felt - when I made mixtures of different herbs as a toy and then brewed them as teas - that I had something to do with alchemy. I have always been interested in the human being, in the soul, and from an early age I was interested in beauty. In my 20s I lived and studied in Sweden, and later my unquenchable thirst for knowledge took me to France, Belgium and England, where I was able to delve deeper and deeper into the science of herbs, aromatherapy and beauty therapy. The years spent abroad have given me a perspective and knowledge that form a solid basis for my professional views today.

* Pannonessence: a secret elixir of special wildflower extracts and essences hand-harvested in the forests of Pannonia, with antioxidant, cell regenerating, skin rejuvenating and soul uplifting properties.

In 1999 my husband and I founded the Panarom Aromatherapy and Beauty Therapy Institute and later the Adrienne Feller Beauty Therapy Academy. In 2004, the first Adrienne Feller beauty products were born and I have personally led the development of these products ever since. It is extremely inspiring for me to create products that are made from pure, plant-based ingredients, using the special qualities of Hungary, the world-famous Hungarian thermal waters and the best quality essential oils, which we take great care to source.

Beauty is an important part of life. Beauty stirs the soul, gives joy, drives us forward and invites us to create. That's why I think of beauty as an inspiring energy that is timeless and can be preserved for a long time with care. I feel the connection between the soul and the outer appearance and I am constantly concerned with how to influence from the outside in and from the inside out in such a way that the result is a stunning, all-encompassing beauty.

With respect and love

Adrienne Feller

Founder, Product Creator - The Essential Oil Master - Mental Health Facilitator